Cancer screening

Cancer screening

Post date: 12/06/2021Author: UNICARE
Cancer screening

Cancer screening is a method of detecting cancer at a very early stage, without any symptoms of the disease.

➤ Cancer, if detected at a very early stage, most can be treated with simple, low-cost methods, with few side effects, without affecting function, aesthetics, chances of recovery and cure great disease.

➤ In addition, cancer screening also detects precancerous lesions, which are noncancerous lesions but are more likely to turn into cancer later in life.

Current valuable cancer screening tools

The means of high value in cancer screening are those that have the ability to detect the disease quickly, quickly, and with little to no disease. Here are some modern facilities used at Nha Trang Uni CARE clinic for cancer screening:

✽ Lung cancer screening:

X-rays help detect lung damage and lung tumors

✽ Colorectal cancer screening:

Colonoscopy detects tumor/polyp

Fecal occult blood test

✽ Stomach cancer screening:

Endoscopy detects lesions, buds, polyps, and tumors in the stomach lumen

Gastric HP bacteria test _ one of the factors that promote stomach cancer thư

✽ Cervical cancer screening:

Cervical cytology (also known as PAP test) is the use of a stick or brush to swab the cervix to collect cells and look at them under a microscope. see the area to be smeared. Helps detect precancerous lesions or pre-invasive cancer, cancer in situ.


  • The cancer screening package includes a number of blood tests to assess health status, so customers should fast before going to the doctor.
  • Customers should refrain from defecation before examination so that stool can be collected for testing
  • When there is a suspicion of cancer, the doctor will order additional tests necessary to make an accurate conclusion.


✽ Lung cancer:

Lung cancer is a malignancy that originates in the uncontrolled growth and proliferation of the cells lining the air ducts. As cancer cells multiply, they interfere with lung function, forming a malignant tumor. If not detected and treated early, these cells will grow, spread outside the lungs to other tissues or parts of the body, a process called metastasis. Lung cancer is divided into two main types, small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer.

Some causes of lung cancer:

  • Smokers, people who do not smoke but are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke.
  • Radon gas, asbestos, polluted air, a history of radiation therapy to the lungs
  • Has a family member with lung cancer?

Early detection symptoms of lung cancer:

  • Respiratory symptoms: Mild fever, dry cough, cough, hemoptysis, wheezing, difficulty breathing
  • Systemic symptoms: Weight loss, fatigue, fever, clubbing fingers
  • Symptoms due to cancer pressing on adjacent organs: chest pain, bone pain, superior vena cava obstruction, difficulty swallowing, headache,

People who need lung cancer screening:

  • Smokers
  • People with chronic pneumonia
  • People with the above symptoms of cancer
  • Family history of lung cancer and lung diseases

Nha Trang Uni CARE Clinic will conduct X-rays to detect lung lesions and lung tumors early.

✽ Colorectal cancer:

Colorectal cancer is cancer that begins in the colon or rectum, and can be called colon cancer or rectal cancer depending on the location of the tumor.

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. Currently in the world there are about 1.8 million new cases and more than 800,000 deaths each year. In Vietnam, each year, about 8,000 new cases of colorectal cancer are detected

Like most other cancers, colorectal cancer often does not present with specific symptoms in the early stages, the symptoms are very nonspecific and easily confused with other common gastrointestinal diseases.

Early symptoms of colorectal cancer include:

Digestive disorders:

  • Atypical mixed with other disease symptoms: belching, slow digestion, bloating, mild abdominal pain, bowel disorders: frequent bowel movements, constipation, difficulty pushing...
  • Prolonged symptoms, poor response to treatment

Fecal excretion disorders:

  • Constipation or unusual, long-lasting loose stools
  • Stools that are thinner than normal
  • There is blood in the stool

Body as a whole: Fatigue, unexplained weight loss

Late stage: palpable tumor, lymph nodes in many places, or manifestations of metastasis.

At Nha Trang Uni CARE clinic, we perform colonoscopy to screen for stomach cancer (Regular colonoscopy in people from 50 years old is an effective measure to prevent early detection. cancer)

  • Purpose: Observe the entire colon and rectum through the endoscope with a camera, conduct a biopsy to take samples if in doubt, or conduct treatment to remove polyps when indicated.
  • Preparation before colonoscopy: Before colonoscopy, the colon is required to be clean, without stools to facilitate observation. 1 day before the colonoscopy, you are asked to have a light meal, clean the colon by different measures such as medication, anal enema, enemas.
  • Performed in endoscopy: Patients can choose between sedation endoscopy or non-anesthesia endoscopy. Using a flexible endoscope about the size of a fingertip, with a camera attached, goes from the anus to the rectum, the patient's entire colon, the entire inside of the colon, rectum and rectal examination to diagnose and perform procedures if necessary, which can take anywhere from 10 to more than 30 minutes.
  • Advantages: Allows viewing of the entire inner surface of the anus, rectum, and colon, helping to make a good diagnosis. It is possible to perform biopsies to take specimens or treat burning, removing polyps when indicated, a method that helps both diagnosis and treatment. The time is quite fast, causes few complications, can perform many things. times
  • Cons: Patients may feel some discomfort such as gas, bloating. May cause damage to the patient's gastrointestinal tract, requiring modern medical equipment and a team of specialized doctors and technicians. Karma

Currently, Uni CARE Nha Trang General Clinic regularly applies colorectal endoscopic techniques with a team of experienced doctors to help detect colorectal cancer early for patients.

If you are wondering where to screen for gastrointestinal cancer, you can go to Nha Trang Uni CARE Clinic which is a prestigious and quality address for cancer screening, especially screening for cancer patients. cancer in the digestive tract

✽ Cervical cancer:

Causes of cervical cancer

  • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

HPV is thought to cause more than 99% of cervical cancers. The HPV virus is very contagious and is mainly transmitted through sexual contact. It only takes skin-to-skin contact with the genitals to spread the virus.

All sexually active women are at high risk of contracting the cancer-causing HPV group. This risk begins with the first sexual intercourse and lasts throughout life.

  • Early sex and multiple sex

The type of HPV virus is sexually transmitted, having sex too soon increases the risk of HPV infection and having too many sex partners increases the risk of contracting the disease.

  • Use of stimulants

Not only cervical cancer and other diseases are mentioned to be avoided if using stimulants such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc. The immune system is weakened, the resistance is poor, accompanied by cancer cells. disease development letter.

  • Genetic factors

According to studies and surveys, it has been proven that women carry the genetic makeup of disease-causing cells. The next generation has a higher genetic risk than the general population

  • Giving birth too early

A woman's body is fully mature at the age of over 22. If she has sex early and has a baby too soon, her risk of disease is higher than that of the average person. Women with 3 or more children are more likely to have children.

  • Continuous use of emergency contraception

Emergency contraceptive pills are only used in reluctant cases, if abused will cause side effects and possible consequences for cervical cancer.

  • History of sexually transmitted diseases

If you have gynecological diseases such as vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital warts, etc., these diseases, if not treated in time, will increase the risk of cancer.

When to get screened for cervical cancer:

  • Women should begin routine screening at age 21. Do not get screened if you are under 21 years old, regardless of the age at which sex began.
  • Usually performed for women between 21 and 29 years old, the frequency is every 3 years with the Pap smear method. Do not test for HPV because the prevalence of HPV infection at this age is about 20%, most cases of HPV will go away without intervention.

→ Women aged 30-64 should have both Pap smear and HPV test every 5 years, or Pap smear every 2 years.

→ When there are signs such as: yellow vaginal discharge, unpleasant odor or bloody mucus, abnormal vaginal bleeding, vaginal bleeding after sex, pain in the lower abdomen, urinating, passing blood...


The Pap smear or Pap smear is a cytological test to screen for cervical cancer in women. A Pap smear is done by collecting and examining cells in the area of ​​the cervix - a narrow passage below the uterus, just above a woman's vagina.

Screening for cervical cancer by Pap smear is extremely important, providing a high chance of treatment for patients. Not only that, cervical cancer screening helps to detect abnormalities in the structure and activity of cervical cells, thereby seeing the risk of cancer in the future.

For women 30 years of age and older, both a Pap smear and an HPV test should be used to detect the presence of HPV for an accurate diagnosis of cervical cancer.

  • HPV virus test: Is a method of applying molecular biology techniques to diffuse gene fragments, detecting positive HPV 16 (a main virus causing cervical cancer).
  • Other methods such as colposcopy, fresh vaginal examination, etc. can be applied during the examination

Uni CARE Nha Trang Polyclinic is proud to be a prestigious PAP SMEAR test site with experienced specialists to help detect early cervical precancerous lesions.


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